After Oil 2: The Years of Crisis – Out Now!

by martinhensher

Just back from a fantastic holiday in the Snowy Mountains and the Kosciuszko National Park in New South Wales. Probably the first holiday in years where everyone has enjoyed every day – for those among you with larger families, you will appreciate that this is an achievement of surpassing significance…And the most wonderful way to spend my birthday!

In the meantime, I’m delighted to report that my first story on this site, Crown Prerogative, has now been released in John Michael Greer’s new anthology After Oil 2: The Years of Crisis. The book is now available in electronic format from Founder’s House Publishing, and details of the paperback version will be provided soon. Please do take a look at:

Crown Prerogative is still available here on Frontier Futures – while it may be indicative of my lack of business acumen it just seems wrong to take it down. But I would thoroughly recommend taking a look at the After Oil anthologies, because there are some great stories in them!